From local property taxes to cannabis cultivation taxes, cannabis farming in Carpinteria Valley is a major public benefit. Add to that a whole network of related businesses and a boost to the economy, and legal cannabis represents a critical sector in our region. Carpinteria greenhouses have long been vital to the community. Whether the crop is flowers, vegetables or cannabis, plant production in local greenhouses is integral to our community and agricultural identity.

Carpinteria Valley Cannabis Farming

Carpinteria Valley was formerly the flower farming Capital of the United States until the Colombia Free Trade Agreement. US Congresswoman Lois Capps called the valley, “America’s Flower Basket.” Now 80 percent of U.S. cut flowers originate in Colombia.

Since the U.S. free-trade agreement with Colombia was signed six years ago, what was once a historic element of the county’s economy has been decimated.

Washington Post, October 14, 2018

Cannabis Farming is Big Business

  • $458 million added annually to Santa Barbara County Economy
  • 2,458 cannabis farm jobs
  • Average $65k annual compensation
UCSB Economic Forecast Cannabis Project

Flower Power Revival?

How to Save Carpinteria's Cut Flower Industry

“This is basically the last stand for cut flower production in the United States,” says Kasey Cronquist, scanning the thigh-high stretch of lilies growing in a Carpinteria greenhouse. Over the last 20 years, he explained, half of the state’s cut flower farmers have gone out of business (from 500 down to 250), withered by an influx of cheap blooms imported from Colombia.

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Carpinteria AG Economy Back from
the Brink

The agriculture sector is the top employer in Carpinteria Valley

“Why is the agriculture sector expanding in the Carpinteria Valley after many years of decline? Because cannabis companies are moving in. There are 37 companies in the Carpinteria Valley that have received cannabis cultivation temporary licenses, and together they have devoted over 100 acres to cannabis crops.”

— City of Carpinteria Economic Profile 2019

CARP Growers member farms employ over 1,000 on local greenhouse farms

Economic Growth

2018 Hotel Revenue in Carpinteria breaks record at $21 million
2019 home values rise 11 percent to $1.29 million

Cannabis farming benefits a whole web of local businesses

Retail in Carpinteria has been insulated from the “retail apocalypse” taking place throughout California.

Cannabis tax revenue is a shared benefit for all

  • $6.7 million collected by Santa Barbara County in 2018/19 fiscal year
  • Property taxes have increased as profitable farms are reassessed
  • Money directly into schools

Agricultural Valley

Cannabis farming is the surest way to preserve the rural character of Carpinteria Valley. A viable ag sector safeguards our small-town lifestyle and prevents the encroachment of new development.

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